FenixEdu™ Node - VM based FenixEdu deployment

Four years ago, getting FenixEdu running was a heck of a problem. You had to install Java, MySQL and a particular version of Tomcat, ant and a few other utilities to get your installation of FenixEdu, even if you were just trying FenixEdu.

In 4 years, FenixEdu changed a lot. You can follow this guide, and in 25 minutes you have an installation of FenixEdu up and running.

This is still quite a lot to do. So we are releasing today a VM version of FenixEdu in Open Virtualization Format. You just need to drag and drop it into Virtual Box, start the VM, open the browser and you have a FenixEdu running.

You can download the latest file here and if you want we also have a torrent of it.

Is that simple, as you can see: