Announcing the release of Bennu 3.0

The FenixEdu Team is happy to announce the release of Bennu 3. Bennu is the foundation for building modular Java web applications based on the fenix-framework, like FenixEdu. Here are some of new features on version 3:

Bootstrap Framework

Until now Bennu applications had a rocky bootstrap process. They had to be initialized after being booted and that could add inconsistencies. Also it had a lousy user experience. Bennu 3 brings the new Bootstrap framework. This framework allows each module to expose information that you need to provide when the application starts.


Bennu 3 adds support for Spring, through the bennu-spring module. Spring is an open source application framework and inversion of control container for the Java platform. Since the version of struts (v1.2.7) were using is currently in end of life, the introduction of this framework was one of the key aspects for this release.


Bennu Signals is a new framework to perform quasi event based code execution. This new framework allows indirect dependencies through decouple code without having to add code to a depended dependecy.


Bennu Portal is a integration framework, to support multiple presentation technologies, maintaining uniform styling across the entire application. In the new version, we rewrote most of its internals. You should take a look to the documentation to learn more.


Bennu Groups had many changes. Internally the group language was simplified and group engine was optimized for better performance and scalability. Also, the API for the groups has changed. Check the documentation for more details.

Monitoring Tools

Bennu 3 brings a slew of new internal tools to monitor your application. Inside administration you will find information about memory, processor and services usage that you can use to monitor your application in production.

Template Engine

We have added a new template engine to Bennu, Pebble. This template simplifies the process of writing html and removes the burden of writing JSP using Apache Struts.

New Domain Browser

The very old domain browser has been replaced by a new fresher one, that works with all the technology of Bennu right out of the box.