
With a considerable team size, we adopt a set of methodologies to smooth and coordinate our software development. Such methodologies spawn the software development process concerning issues about version control, branching model, versioning of software artifacts, and contribution flows to such software artifacts.

Branching Model

According to our best practices, all modifications to the code base must be associated with a Github issue. The origin of such Github issue can be a Request Tracker (RT) ticket, a new request feature, an unreported bug or hot fix.

To handle such issues, we adopted GitFlow, which help us to adapt, organize and manage our software development best practices from Git features. Although we follow Gitflow’s branching model, we do not enforce the use of the Gitflow tool. We believe the developers are accountable for their actions, and as such, they do not need tools to enforce the usage of certain rules while using a particular version control system. Using the Git tool directly while using this branching model approach demonstrates that the developer understands correctly the strategy, while having all the Git version control system capabilities.


FenixEdu™ is composed by a large set of code libraries, which built on one another. Hence, we need to take versioning very seriously or else, a simple code change might break the code.

To version our software, we consider the Semantic Versioning approach. The Semantic Versioning approach comprehends a version format composed by three numbers X.Y.Z, where each number increment is associated to a set of rules. These rules allow us to quickly identify if we can upgrade a dependency safely without breaking our code.


To build our software, we use Maven. Maven allow us to declare both the build and release lifecycles of our projects. To ease such configuration, we have pre-configure four parent pom projects from which your pom can inherit these configurations from.


As said before, FenixEdu™ is composed by a large set of projects that need to be properly managed. As such, we assign a main team of developers to each project. Nevertheless, developers outside of that main team can still contribute to the projects via the Github Pull Request feature. While reviewing such pull requests, each main development team also acts as the quality assurance team for that project. To contribute or request a change to a particular project, the developer must:

  1. Explain the rationale for the contribution or change
  2. If the contribution is accepted the developer must fork the project
  3. The developer commits the discussed and agreed changes to his fork
  4. The developer submits a pull-request to merge the respective modifications

Code Conventions

Package names are always lowercase, invalid characters are simply stripped down. All project’s java resources are locate in packages under: <organization>.<project>.<module>, or <organization>.<project> for single module projects. For example, the core module of the bennu project, that is part of the fenixedu organization, has a base package name: org.fenixedu.bennu.core.

Inside the base package, resources are organized as follows:

Package Resource Types Depends on
<base> Configuration managers -
<base>.domain Domain entities and related objects <base>
<base>.service Services <base>, <base>.domain
<base>.api Rest APIs <base>, <base>.domain, <base>.service
<base>.ui Controllers, Portal Applications and Functionalities, and all other UI related resources <base>, <base>.domain, <base>.service
<base>.servlet Servlets, Initializers, Filters <base>, <base>.domain, <base>.service
<base>.task Scheduller Tasks <base>, <base>.domain, <base>.service
<base>.bootstrap Bennu Bootstrappers <base>, <base>.domain, <base>.service

If the result includes duplications, like org.fenixedu.sotis.ui.ui (because the project sotis has a submodule with only the UI parts), just collapse into: org.fenixedu.sotis.ui.