Expenditure Tracking Module
This modules allows institutions to track expenditures via specialized workflow processes. These processes include acquisitions, refunds and missions. The tracked information pertains to fund allocation to suppliers, to the internal units who will finance the expenditure and also to the necessary authorization chains.
The module also provides an API through which external systems may either obtain information or register processes.
Common to most endpoints are two arguments, one to for the access token of the application invoking the endpoint, and another that indicates the end user responsible for the invocation. This will be reviewed when these web services will be coupled with the OAuth2 protocol.
Available Endpoints
NOTE - Private Endpoint that requires application authorization.
GET /suppliers
This endpoint lists all suppliers registered in the system. For each supplier it specifies information regarding funds that have been allocated to the supplier.
Query Parameters
- access_token - private token of the application invoking the endpoint
- userID - username of the user responsible for the invocation
Example Request
Example Response
"supplierID": "ABC123",
"fiscalID": "111111112",
"name": "ABC, SA",
"shortName": "ABC",
"limit": "75000€",
"contacts": [
"address": {
"line1": "Av. Rovisco Pais, 1",
"line2": "1049-001 Lisboa",
"country": "PTR"
"phone": "212111222",
"fax": "212111223",
"email": "email@internet.com"
"totalAllocated": "10350€",
"totalReserved": "15000€",
"allocationsByCPV": [
"cpvCode": "12340000-0",
"cpvDescription": "Bla bla bla",
"totalAllocated": "350€",
"totalReserved": "350€"
"cpvCode": "12350000-0",
"cpvDescription": "Bla bla bla ble",
"totalAllocated": "10000€",
"totalReserved": "14650€"
POST /allocateFunds
This endpoint allows external applications to allocate funds to a supplier.
Query Parameters
- access_token - private token of the application invoking the endpoint
- userID - username of the user responsible for the invocation
- supplierID - internal identification of the supplier
- value - value to allocate
- valueVat - percentage value of VAT
- cpvCode - Common Procurement Vocabulary code that classifies the good or service being provided
- goodsOrService - Classification of the acquisition in one of two categories: “GOODS”, “SERVICES”
- description - Short description of the provided goods or services
Example Request
Example Response
"processID": "IST/2014/0001"
PUT /cancelFundAllocation
This endpoint allows external applications to allocate funds to a supplier.
Query Parameters
- access_token - private token of the application invoking the endpoint
- userID - username of the user responsible for the invocation
- processID - process identification of the process to cancel
Example Request
Example Response
"status": "OK"