Use FenixEdu API in your application - PHP SDK

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the FenixEdu™ PHP SDK to easily invoke the FenixEdu™ REST API. Make sure you started by following the tutorial that teaches you how to use FenixEdu in your application.

Table of Contents

Step 1 - Include the PHP SDK in your project

All you have to do is download the FenixEdu™ PHP SDK and unzip it to your project root. In your project root, you should have something like fenixedu-sdk/FenixEdu.class.php. Having this, you should be able to include the FenixEduClient class in your PHP scripts:


Step 2 - Define your credentials

To define your credentials, all you have to do is create a file in the fenixedu-sdk folder and set your FenixEdu™ application credentials, just like in the example below:

  $_FENIX_EDU['access_key']   = "123524412";
  $_FENIX_EDU['secret_key']   = "HhU3BB3hJ9h3n2Bhsz";
  $_FENIX_EDU['callback_url'] = "http://<your_application_callback_url>";
  $_FENIX_EDU['api_base_url'] = "";

Both access_key and secret_key are provided in the FenixEdu™ installation where you registered your application. The callback_url is the endpoint in your application that will handle the callback after an authorization or non-authorization from the end-user. Finally, the api_base_url is the base endpoint where the API will be invoked.

Note However the api_base_url is exemplified with Técnico Lisboa endpoint, FenixEdu™ is also used in other universities, and consequently they will have different base URLs. For this reason, the SDK expects this field to be configured.

Step 3 - Use the Client

After you defined the configuration file, you can start using the SDK and make synchronous invocations to the FenixEdu™ API. However, before you start obtaining information from the end-user, you first need to request authorization.

Step 3.1 - Redirect the User to Authorize your Application

Before you can invoke the API, you must ask the end-user to grant authorization to your application.

To perform these steps while using the PHP SDK, you should do something like this:


  $fenixEduClient = FenixEduClient::getSingleton();
  $authorizationUrl = $fenixEduClient->getAuthorizationURL();

  header(sprintf("Location: %s", $authorizationUrl));

Note If you have experience with PHP programming, you already know that the script that redirects the end-user to the authorization_url must not write anything to the output, or the redirect will not work.

Step 3.2 - Handle FenixEdu™ Authorization Callback

If the end-user authorizes your application, FenixEdu™ will invoke your callback endpoint with a query param named code that you must use to issue an access_token and a refresh_token. In case the end-user refuses to authorize your application, your callback enpoint will be invoked with two query params: error and error_description as explained here.

When the end-user authorizes your application to access the requested information, you will receive a code in the query param that you must use provide to the SDK:


  if(isset($_GET['error'])) {
    // The end-user refused to give your application authorization.
  } else if(isset($_GET['code'])) {
    $code = $_GET['code'];
    $fenixEduClient = FenixEduClient::getSingleton();
    $accessToken = $fenixEduClient->getAccessToken();
    $refreshToken = $fenixEduClient->getRefreshToken();


The code snippet above exemplifies how you can obtain the access_token and refresh_token that allows your application to invoke the FenixEdu™ API and obtain information about the end-user that provided the authorization. Hence, you should store both the access_token and the refresh_token for future uses.

Note The access_token has a lifetime of 1 hour, and when it expires, you may issue another one using the respective refresh_token.