Approval Rate

Rate of approved subjects by period (semester), comparing to enrolled subjects.

Invocation Example

SViz.loadViz("showApprovalRate", "data.json", "#visualization");

JSON Example

These are the required fields for this visualization to work. More fields can be added (for joint use with other visualizations), as long as this structure remains unchanged. If "notAttended" is not included, the number of not evaluated students will not be displayed.

{"periods": [
["2010/2011 - 2º sem",3, 3],
["2011/2012 - 1º sem",3, 3],
["2011/2012 - 2º sem",3, 3],
["2012/2013 - 1º sem",2, 2],
["2012/2013 - 2º sem",1, 0]

Optional Parameters

You are free to customize the visualization through optional parameters.
Name Default Value Description
width 600 total width, including margins
blockWidth 50 size for each block, including padding and 2 bars. In pixels.
blockPadding 10 padding bellow and above the 2 bars. In pixels.
barWidth 0.9 bar width in percent