
An histogram of the marks obtained in an evaluation. This visualization has optional detailed side and table views when hovering the main chart.

Invocation Example

SViz.showHistogram("data.json", "#visualization", {width: 1000});

JSON Example

The student 'ID' must be unique and is not limited to numbers. 'selfID' is the ID of the student who is logged in and viewing the chart.

{ "minGrade": 0,
  "maxGrade": 20,
  "minRequiredGrade": 9,
  "selfID": "3",
  "students": [
    { "ID": "1", "name": "Harry Wallington", "photo": "imgs/avatar_male.png", "grade": 3.8  },
    { "ID": "2", "name": "Andrea Bleckley", "photo": "imgs/avatar_female.png", "grade": 9.5  },
    { "ID": "3", "name": "John Hobbes", "photo": "imgs/avatar_male.png", "grade": 9.6  },
    { "ID": "4", "name": "Edwin Cranford", "photo": "imgs/avatar_male.png", "grade": 12.3  },
    { "ID": "5", "name": "Joseph Dickens", "photo": "imgs/avatar_male.png", "grade": 14.8  },
    { "ID": "6", "name": "Brooke Wayment", "photo": "imgs/avatar_female.png", "grade": 14.9  },

* All data was randomly generated.

Optional Parameters

You are free to customize the visualization through optional parameters.
Name Default Value Description
details true show a detailed side chart
table true show a detailed table
tableColumns ['ID', 'photo', 'name', 'grade'] ordered visibility of the table's columns
legend true show legend
highlightStudent true hilight the student's mark
showMinGrade true show minimum grade
tooltip true show tooltip
barNumbers count 'none', 'count' or 'percent'
tipNumbers percent 'none', 'count' or 'percent'
detailsBarWidth half of the space for each bar sets the bar width of the details side chart