An histogram of the marks obtained in an evaluation. This visualization has optional detailed side and table views when hovering the main chart.
SViz.showHistogram("data.json", "#visualization", {width: 1000});
The student 'ID' must be unique and is not limited to numbers. 'selfID' is the ID of the student who is logged in and viewing the chart.
{ "minGrade": 0,
"maxGrade": 20,
"minRequiredGrade": 9,
"selfID": "3",
"students": [
{ "ID": "1", "name": "Harry Wallington", "photo": "imgs/avatar_male.png", "grade": 3.8 },
{ "ID": "2", "name": "Andrea Bleckley", "photo": "imgs/avatar_female.png", "grade": 9.5 },
{ "ID": "3", "name": "John Hobbes", "photo": "imgs/avatar_male.png", "grade": 9.6 },
{ "ID": "4", "name": "Edwin Cranford", "photo": "imgs/avatar_male.png", "grade": 12.3 },
{ "ID": "5", "name": "Joseph Dickens", "photo": "imgs/avatar_male.png", "grade": 14.8 },
{ "ID": "6", "name": "Brooke Wayment", "photo": "imgs/avatar_female.png", "grade": 14.9 },
* All data was randomly generated.
Name | Default Value | Description |
details | true | show a detailed side chart |
table | true | show a detailed table |
tableColumns | ['ID', 'photo', 'name', 'grade'] | ordered visibility of the table's columns |
legend | true | show legend |
highlightStudent | true | hilight the student's mark |
showMinGrade | true | show minimum grade |
tooltip | true | show tooltip |
barNumbers | count | 'none', 'count' or 'percent' |
tipNumbers | percent | 'none', 'count' or 'percent' |
detailsBarWidth | half of the space for each bar | sets the bar width of the details side chart |