Course Donuts

This visualization provides a quick insight about all the student courses, showing him both the percentages of positive and negative grades.

Invocation Example

SViz.loadViz("showCourses", "data.json", "#visualization");

JSON Example

    "domain": ["positive-grades", "negative-grades", "not-evaluated-grades"],
    "entries": [
        "text": "IP",
        "description": "Introduction to Programming",
        "positive-grades": 74,
        "negative-grades": 34,
        "not-evaluated-grades": 21
        "text": "OOP",
        "description": "Object Oriented Programming",
        "positive-grades": 534,
        "negative-grades": 234,
        "not-evaluated-grades": 21
        "text": "DS",
        "description": "Digital Systems",
        "positive-grades": 228,
        "negative-grades": 133,
        "total": 361,
        "not-evaluated-grades": 21
        "text": "DM",
        "description": "Discrete Mathematics",
        "positive-grades": 22,
        "negative-grades": 133,
        "not-evaluated-grades": 21

Optional Parameters

You are free to customize the visualization through optional parameters.
Name Default Value Description
width the wrapping container width the width to be forced to the visualization.
height the default aspect ratio computed with either the provided width or height the height to be forced to the visualization.
radius 50px the outer radius of each donut
innerRadius 40px the inner radius of each donut
showLegend true displays legend
legendSelector the original selector the selector where the legend should be displayed